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RMT Massage Healing Spa at Yonge and Eglinton

Massage Therapist at Yonge-Eglinton
Yonge Eglinton Massage Therapy

Yonge & Eglinton is a bustling midtown intersection in North Toronto. Actually, people refer Yonge and Eglinton as a neighbourhood   at the intersection of Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue.

Yonge-Eglinton is central to the area of Midtown Toronto, one of four central business districts outside Downtown Toronto. The City of Toronto defines its boundaries as Briar Hill Avenue to the north, Yonge Street to the east, Frobisher Avenue and a line in that direction west to Elmsthorpe Avenue, then north to Eglinton Avenue, east to Avenue Road and north to Briar Hill.

There is a long history since first settlements at Yonge-Eglinton. According to Wikipedia, the neighbourhood was first settled by Europeans in the early nineteenth century, who founded the farming village of Eglinton. The area was part of the largest cattle grazing region in Upper Canada. The region was the first in North America to extend the use of cowbells to all cattle. Prior to this, it had been standard practice for a cowbell to be attached to only the best and leading piece of livestock. To honour this proud and storied heritage, the City of Toronto government named a local street “Cowbell Lane.” In 1837, the Battle of Montgomery’s Tavern took place just north of the Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue intersection.

There are many local businesses that serve the neighbourhood. Four-Leaved Clover Healing Spa is one of them. We have been in the neighbourhood for the last ten years and counting.

With so many satisfied clients in the neighbourhood, we are grateful for your visits and your use of our therapeutic massage treatments. It is you who support us so that we can continue to service. We are grateful to you. In order to service you with high quality treatments, we need to update our professional skills constantly and to have the most competent staff to meet your relaxation and treatment needs. We are committed to hold highest service standards and ensure every visit a satisfied one!

We are a full member of the Yonge-Eglinton community and want to contribute towards its well-being!


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